Experian — a global leader

Providing value-added information to orginizations and consumers

Company Profile

Experian is the leading global information services company, providing data and analytical tools to clients around the world. We help businesses to manage credit risk, prevent fraud, target marketing offers and automate decision making. We also help individuals to manage their credit relationships and protect against identity theft.

Experian plc is listed on the London Stock Exchange (EXPN) and is a constituent of the FTSE 100 index. Total revenue for the year ended 31 March 2016 was US$4.6 billion

Experian employs approximately 17,000 people in 37 countries. Our corporate headquarters are in Dublin, Ireland, and we have operational headquarters in Nottingham, UK; Costa Mesa, California; and São Paulo, Brazil.

Our financial performance is reported on a geographical basis across four regions – North America, Latin America, UK and Ireland and EMEA/Asia Pacific.

Experian supports clients across many different markets, including financial services, retail, telecommunications, automotive, insurance and the public sector.

Our vision is for Experian’s people, data and technology to become a necessary part of every major consumer economy in the world.


The Three Elements of Our Strategy

We are committed to driving long-term shareholder value by focusing on data and analytics, driving profitable growth and optimising capital efficiency.

Focus on Data and Analytics

At the heart of what Experian does is the ownership and operation of very large and comprehensive consumer and commercial data assets. From these we are able to extract significant extra value by applying our own proprietary analytics and software. This combination of data and analytics is a key differentiator for Experian.

Drive Profitable Growth

Experian aims to extend its global lead by driving profitable growth through:

  • geographic expansion
  • product innovation
  • further penetration of new customer segments

Optimize Capital Efficiency

Experian is committed to maintaining a prudent, flexible and efficient balance sheet. We aim to use our strong cash flow wisely by reinvesting in the business to retain competitive advantage. We will seek to make targeted acquisitions where they fit our strategy and meet our financial hurdles, and we will evaluate additional opportunities for returning surplus cash (via dividends or share repurchases) to shareholders as they arise.

Our Strategic Goals

Underlying our strategy are our strategic goals that encapsulate what we want to achieve as a business:

  • Extend our global lead in credit information and analytics
  • Create successful businesses in new customer segments
  • Build large-scale operations in major emerging consumer economies
  • Become the most trusted consumer brand for credit information and identity protection services


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