Application fraud prevention

Helping to detect, investigate and record fraud early in the customer journey

Application Fraud Prevention

Fraud is a crime on the increase. Organisations in a highly competitive market have aggressive growth targets and instant decisioning giving less time to assess customers and detect fraud. The most effective strategy is to prevent fraud at the point of application. This requires the detection of potentially fraudulent applications before the customer is accepted, without adversely affecting your customer service level and speed of decisioning.

Experian has worked with organisations worldwide and uses this experience to deliver application fraud prevention specifically designed to address your business challenges. Our proven detection rules and our highly effective tools allows for potentially fraudulent applications to be highlighted, enabling fraudsters to be stopped before they become your customer.

How can we help you?



A successful fraud prevention solution

Hunter works by checking applications against anomalies within the current application and previous applications and matches against previous known and suspected fraudulent applications.


Fraud Analytics

Fighting Fraud using intelligent analytics

Find out how our analytical solutions can be used to help minimise the impact of fraud for your business and your customers.

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