
Minimise bad debt, reduce attrition and maintain Revenue streams for the future profitability of your Organisation.



Origination is the start of the customer relationship, when the organisation needs to process the application, make a decision whether to accept or decline the applicant and make the right decision on the terms and conditions to offer the customer.

Clients who have adopted Origination products have seen:

  • Increase in accept rates by 25% and enabled portfolio growth with applications up by 400%
  • Greater efficiency - reduced processing time by 80%.
  • Reduction in manual processes - reduced referral rate by 95% and manual processing by 90%.
  • Greater value from new customers - created €millions in new revenue.
  • Reduction in bad debt by making good risk decisions - reduced losses to less than 0.6% of the portfolio value.

Decision Analytics builds generic and custom scoring models based on bureau and client data. these models are developed for a wide range of objectives including credit risk, propensity, fraud risk, indebtedness, bankruptcy, attrition, customer value, collectability and debt recovery.

Generic scoring models are built from Experian’s credit bureau data or are derived from knowledge of the credit industry tempered by the latest market conditions. Generic scores are quick to implement and do not require an archive of historical data for development, which makes them very useful in start-up situations.

Custom scoring models are built using historical data supplied by the client and are tuned to the client’s customer profile. They are designed in consultation with each organisation to meet all its specific business objectives.

Strategic Consulting

As well as building experience and expertise into all Decision Analytics’ propositions, Experian consulting also supports clients through the strategy design and implementation process, and beyond as their business develops.

Business Review

A business review helps clients identify value creation opportunities.  Experian has established a highly effective methodology for evaluating opportunities to improve the return on investment, assess the organization’s capacity to deliver these opportunities and identify any additional capability that might be necessary to fully realize proposed benefits.

Strategy Design

A strategy design helps clients create decisioning segmentation strategies and associated actions in support of their strategic goals and key performance indicators.  Several different techniques and approaches are used from data driven and empirically derived methodologies to optimization and expert design practices.

Strategy Review

Consulting is an on-going element to ensure your customer decisions continue to add value to your business.  A strategy review helps clients continue to realize value by improving and refining existing decision strategies.


Hunter is a system that highlights potentially fraudulent credit applications, enabling fraudsters to be stopped before they become a customer. It screens every application against a range of data sources including known frauds, previous applications and national databases assess the risk that it is fraudulent and highlight high-risk applications.  

PowerCurveTM Strategy Management

A system that provides fast, accurate and consistent decisions, enabling organisations to automate and control new business decisioning. It allows business users to formulate lending strategies using advanced segmentation and scoring techniques, in order to target differentiated applicant populations with appropriate treatments designed to maximise on business objectives. 

PowerCurveTM Origination Design Studio

PowerCurveTM Origination Design Studio enables organisations to implement application processing screens and decisioning rules for taking on new customers. Unlike generic workflow engines PowerCurveTM Origination Design Studio provides ‘out of the box’ functionality for defining and maintaining:

  • Multi-channel application processing sequences.
  • Best practice, market-leading risk management decisioning via its integration with Strategy Management.
  • Bureau data integration with access to a global library of over 80 bureaux links.
  • Application status and queue management (including priority ageing of cases).
  • Screens configured by a business user for data capture and application management

PowerCurveTM Origination Design Studio projects are delivered at relatively low cost, in fixed timescales. Once installed, the runtime offers a low cost, high performing and scalable environment which is easy to support and maintain.

Strategy Optimisation

Optimisation uses patented mathematical algorithms to design an optimal decision strategy for both marketing and credit decisions across the lifecycle:

Marketswitch Optimization - Decision Analytics system that enables organisations to use advanced mathematical optimisation to determine the best action for each individual based on maximising business goals whilst meeting multiple constraints.

Strategy Tree Optimisation - uses Marketswitch Optimisation technology to help business users design decision trees that make value maximising decisions across the consumer credit cycle.

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