In a world where people are increasingly reliant on a variety of internet-based devices for everything from banking to booking travel to shopping – detecting and preventing online fraud are constant and complex business challenges. As organisations embrace digital channels to reflect customer preference and opportunities for low cost customer acquisition, weaknesses and inconsistencies are being created between on line and off line infrastructures which will be expressly targeted by fraudsters.
With the rapid rise in the use of mobile devices and the ever-increasing sophistication of fraud attacks, it is more important than ever for businesses to recognise their good customers and keep them protected.
FraudNet is a comprehensive risk platform designed to identify fraudsters engaging in opening fraudulent accounts, breaking into existing customer accounts or perpetrating fraudulent transactions online. It brings substantial enhancements to online applications and transactions, as well as providing a more secure interface between the on- and offline channels
FraudNet is a scalable, risk assessment and fraud intervention solution that enables businesses to become better equipped to fight the ever-evolving threat of online fraud. It cost-effectively reduces fraud whilst allowing your business to grow.
Available as a hosted service, this fraud prevention tool minimises fraud risk and losses by recognising the digital consumer by their device interactions through digital channels. Our patented and proven capabilities provide the intelligence needed to identify any device visiting your site without the use of any tags or Flash objects; allowing you to instantly recognise your legitimate customers and take immediate action on suspicious devices and activities.
Experian’s FraudNet: Enhance customer experience with faster and better online fraud prevention and detection
Looking to learn more? Click here to read more about our fraud detection and prevention solution.